The Simple Life

image imageimageFabulous day today! Cold Weather finally seems to be breaking and the forecast is for a warming trend. Should be around 15 tomorrow and by the middle of next week pushing the low 20s. Translation: high of 60 tomorrow and low 70s next week. I have only worn my hiking shorts one day in the first 10 days of my life on the Camino. It will be great to warm up my core. I thought it time to share what my days are like. I get up around six and in an effort to shun my rigidity I am not using an alarm. Shocking my new flexibility huh? What is a little irksome is that lots of pilgrims use the alarms on their cell phones. It is an orchestra of ringtones starting as early as 3:45am one morning. More usual is 6-ish though. I like to be walking by seven and since everything is closed that early I have been getting a banana and an energy bar to eat before rolling out. I walk for about two hours, have breakfast, walk for a couple more hours, have a snack on the trail, and then finish my trek for the day. I have been parking my pack in the noon to 2:00pm range. Then it’s a shower, laundry, lunch, siesta, blog post, and a cocktail when available. Dinner is between 7:00pm and 8:00pm and then it’s night-night time after getting my pack organized for the morning. The simple life is suiting me well. Tomorrow I will be nearing Burgos and my final destination remains uncertain. Another fine demonstration of my newfound flexibility. I have attached some trail markers to show you what keeps me found!

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1 Response to The Simple Life

  1. peggy says:

    Monitoring your progress with the aide of your blogs. I’d like to be with you. Sounds like you’re doing well. Keep us posted. with affection, DW


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